Industrial Revolution Dbq

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Pages: 6

Throughout Europe there has been many changes that have occurred. There is one word to use to express those changes and that is a revolution. Revolution is the most effective word to describe Europe in the 20th Century because if it were not for the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution, Europe as well as the rest of the world would not be where we are today. The importance of the revolutions is that it has provided the world with advance technological equipment and it has provided the people with rights and freedoms.
The Industrial Revolution is defined as changing the world from an agricultural society to large-scale production through manufacturing. The Industrial Revolution did not occur until the late eighteenth century and
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A few of the technological advancements that occurred in the second industrial revolution consist of electrical power, telephones, and machine tools for bicycles, automobiles, and airplanes (Pg. 12). Due to the scientific and technological advancements the second revolution created better warfare equipment such as rifles and machine guns. To express how fast the technology was changing the soldiers could not even cope with the change (Pg. 13). In order to adopt the modern weapons a country had to pass the threshold before they could exercise their power against their enemies (Pg. 15). Only four Great Powers industrialized, which were Britain, France, Germany and Austria. Industrialization led to the relationship of nations to be torn apart because every nation wanted what was best for their own country and made industrialization a …show more content…
The Enlightenment wanted to reform the institutions and abide the rules and standards of reason, which was seconded by the public opinion on political decisions. The revolution had three phases. The first phase was the abolishment of absolutism and feudalism, which allowed for individual liberty and secularism. The Declaration of Rights allowed for fundamental freedoms and rights, which included the property as a sacred right. The new regime was also created. The second phase distinguished the “egalitarian social and political ideals” from the liberal phase and declared the “common good” was the goal of society. The third phase brought Napoleon Bonaparte to power and in 1795 France was considered a liberal republic. Between 1795 and 1798 the guilds were abolished and there was a free labour