Industrial Revolution Pros And Cons

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Pages: 5

There were many famous industrialists during the Industrial Revolution, such as Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. These individuals have influenced the country immensely, but they've also done devious deeds to rise to the top. The man Carnegie hired to manage his company despised union workers, and Rockefeller constantly took out other competing business by shutting companies down, until he was the only man left standing. Their efforts did, however, bring huge advancements to today's society, such as donating money to large organizations out of respect. They were the richest men of their time, and despite their greedy use of money, the men tried as hard as possible to make their reputation seem great, almost flawless. With all of this …show more content…
Industrialists helped with items such as advancement in technology, machinery, and much more. Unfortunately, this wasn’t all perfect as there were disadvantages to these contributions. According to The 6 Cons of Industrial Revolution, “ brought a negative impact on culture, values and morality of mankind. Technology drives the shift in principles, beliefs, and faith.” Steel is one of the main “ingredients” of building new machinery and other adancments. Obviously, Carnegie is the “king” of steel, since he owned monopolies of steel corporations. Steel is a beneficial material, and it did produce electronics that we use today, but those electronics both inherit positive and negative effects, some positive effects being that electronic devices have maps, phone, etc. However, because of Carnegie’s contributions to society, people are more and more disconnected from each other using these small devices. Besides electronic devices, industrialists also created new means of transportation. These were more beneficial than harmful, giving it less controversy than electronics did. According to The 6 Pros of The Industrial Revolution, “The means of transportation changed enormously. It became cheaper, faster, and very comfortable. Easier travel opened up new areas to people.” Many supplies such as steel, oil, copper, etc, all contributed to the building of better transportation. Before any trains or cars existed, most means of transportation were horse carriages or simply walking. However, when industrialists came into the game, they built many new machines that helped with making traveling faster than ever before. Henry Ford, for example, created the assembly line along with his own brand of automobiles. The only downside would be the increased amount of pollution, but otherwise, transportation was a really large and beneficial