Inequality: Changing The American Dream

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Pages: 4

When it comes to the topic of inequality, according to the professor from Washington, it is broadly acknowledged that constantly growing uttermost wealth and inequality are harmful to human progress, and that something needs to be done. The point he made was completely agreeable cause in this era, almost every citizen care about their position as where they stand and what they prefer. Inequality is one of the hot topics in today’s society, I believe, neither country has definite equality whereas there are definite inequality. "In the last decade, the focus has been exclusively on one half of the inequality equation – ending extreme poverty (Oxfom)." It clearly states as how the extreme poverty leads into inequality, too many people argues that …show more content…
But the Great Recession and Inequality in U.S changing the American Dream. I agree inequality is a big problem and I belive on this that economical inequality brings the social inequality. According to Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),"the average income of the top 10% of Americans in 2008 was nearly 15 times higher than that of the bottom 10%" (ProQuest LLC) .this clearly shows that inequality in wealth raising higher rapidly which clearly effecting on lower and middle income people. Many economist said inequality is a symptom of economic growth, but i think not to much inequality because it effects on the buying power of lower and middle class people "rising inequality is not a symptom of a fast-growing economy or an incentive that will help create one. Instead, too much income inequality crushes economic growth."(Chrystila Freeland). I agree before that inequality is anti social. Robert Frank reports that, "The rich are creating their own world, away from the middle class and the poor". All of us engage with one another, producing, consuming, saving, and investing in our one economy but the social inequality is raising so high so now are producing, consuming, saving and investing are changed in each class. Therefore,the only solution for inequality is equal distribution of wealth and believe on King American