Information systems study guide Essay

Submitted By tucch17
Words: 1747
Pages: 7

Competitive Advantage
Business Pressures:
Market Pressures
Technology Pressures
Societal Pressures
Business Pressures, Organizational Responses, and IT Support
Market Pressure:
The Global Economy and Strong Competition
The changnig Nature of the Workforce
Powerful Customers
Globalization 1.0- Christopher Colombus
Globalization 2.0(first half)- railroads, steamengines
Globalization 2.0(second half)- tablets, fiber optics, smart phones
Gobalization 3.0- being able to do business anywhere
Thamas Friedmans ten Flatteners:
Fall of the Berlin Wall = downfall of communism/we won
Netscape goes public = information got access to knowledge/pushed globalization
Development of work-flow software
Call Center in India
Supply Chaining
Homo Conexus
You are the most connected generation in history
You practice continuous computing
You are surrounded by a personal, movable information network
Your personal information network is created by constant cooperation between:
(1) the digital devices you carry;
(2) the wired and wireless networks that you access as you move about;
(3) Web-based tools for finding information and communicating and collaborating with other people.
You can pull information from the Web and push your ideas back to the Web.
A digital nomad is someone who uses information technologies such as smart phones, wireless Internet access, and Web-based applications to work remotely from anywhere.
Data Item. Elementary description of things, events, activities and transactions that are recorded, classified and stored but are not organized to convey any specific meaning.
Information. Data organized so that they have meaning and value to the recipient.
Knowledge. Data and/or information organized and processed to convey understanding, experience, accumulated learning and expertise as they apply to a current problem or activity.
Computer-based information systems are information systems that use computer technology to perform some or all of their intended tasks.
Hardware is a device such as a processor, monitor, keyboard or printer
Software is a program or collection of programs that enable hardware to process data.
Database is a collection of related files or tables containing data.
Network is a connecting system (wireline or wireless) that permits different computers to share resources.
Procedures are the set of instructions about how to combine the above components in order to process information and generate the desired output.
People are those individuals who use the hardware and software, interface with it, or uses its output.
An application program is a computer program designed to support a specific task, a business process, or another application program.
A functional area information system supports a particular functional area of the organization.
Enterprise resource planning systems tightly integrating the functional area ISs via a common database.
Transaction processing systems support the monitoring, collection, storage, and processing of data from the organization’s business transactions.
Interorganizational information systems connect two or more organizations.
Office automation systems typically support the clerical staff, lower and middle managers, and knowledge workers, enabling them to develop documents, schedule resources, and communicate. Business intelligence systems provide computer-based support for complex, nonroutine decisions, primarily for managers and knowledge workers.
Expert systems attempt to duplicate the work of human experts by applying reasoning capabilities, knowledge, and expertise within a specific domain.
Dashboards provide rapid access to timely information and access to structured information in the form of reports.
Competitive advantage is an advantage over competitors in some measure such as cost,quality, or speed; leads to control of a market and to