Informative Essay: The Buddy Bankrobbers Case

Words: 770
Pages: 4

Buddy Bankrobbers Outback, the local bar owner was walking home after a late night at work. Out of nowhere a dark figure bust out of the back door of the Goodwill Bank and walked onto the street. The figure looked around and was alarmed when he saw Sam standing there. To Sam’s surprise instead of walking he ran extremely fast into a dark alleyway.

The police got a call at 1:00am in the morning from the bank owner, Billy Banson. He reported that he had already looked at the cameras, but you could not see the man's face. He also mentioned that $500,000 had been stolen around 11pm a few hours ago. The police replied urgently that they would send an investigative group over to look around for evidence.

After the call they assigned Spronsen
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His name is Jimbo Branson and he has the latest shift at the bank, his shift ends at 9:00pm. Jimbo was skinny, shorter, brown hair, and blue eyes. Spronsen went in to question him at the police station. Spronsen said that all the security systems were shut off at 9:00pm last night. Jimbo said that it must've happened when he was turning the lights off and must've hit the wrong switch. Spronsen then asked if he knew a man by the name of Wee Willie Winkle. Jimbo said he had never heard of him. Spronsen then said that would be all.

Spronsen knew something was fishy about the whole thing. How did the security systems turn off right when his shift ended? Then out of nowhere on the same night the bank got robbed and then someone walked into the apartment building a half an hour after the robbery. Spronsen knew it didn't add up, but then he remembered if these two were working together they had to be friends somewhere along the line. He decided that he would look into what college they went too. He went back to the apartments and asked Wee Willie Winkle what college he went to. Wee Willie Winkle then said he went to SaBranson