Informative Essay: The Elements Of Terrorism

Words: 445
Pages: 2

Terrorism is an eldritch type of thing. There's so many elements. Almost every generation has had a major event with terrorist. Many people fear terrorism. Others such as, the FBI probably sleep, drink, and eat terrorism. Then you have the people who always have conspiracy theory's about it. Lastly, you have the terrorist themselves. I have found terrorism rather interesting. I'm not saying I want to be a terrorist nor am I saying I wanna investigate it. I'm saying terrorism is a bowl of chaos.

The interesting part about terror it's self is the human reaction to it. When such divided country comes together out of sacredness. The total disruption of america's reality, or any country's reality. It's like playing candy land and BOOM, there it is a slap of reality in the face. Another thing I find unique about terrorism there's always a different face. white man, a black man, Muslim man, Islamic
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Our we, as people that insular to a say foreigners are terrorist? What about saying terrorist are arrogant, stupid, jerks, A-holes? If anything, we are are the dumb ones, the arrogant ones, even jerks. We're so concerned about oversea threats when we have threats right here in America. You have xenophobic people trying to destroy you. Yet, we still sit here today talking about 9/11 thinking about how horrible those people were to commit such actions. Did we ever think about how others feel. Osama Bin Laden had a point, "The USA today has set a double standard, anyone who goes against it's injustice is a terrorist." Osama Bin Laden simple decided to go against the injustice of America. He was angry and sick of the abuse done to his people. We need to remember, as we have are memorial of are terrorism we also must realize there are people across sea having a memorial everyday because they have to live in death and mass destruction. Because our government decided we needed to start a war that never needed to