Informative Speech About Mascots

Words: 267
Pages: 2

We are probably familiar with the word mascot. The definition of mascot is, an animal, person, or thing adopted by a group as its representative symbol and supposed to bring good luck. A mascot is made to attract people to the sports games. The NDSU college mascot is a bison named “Thunder”. There is also an Olympic mascot. First, I will tell you about the first unofficial Olympic mascot.
The first unofficial mascot appeared in the Grenoble Olympics in 1968. The name of the mascot is “Schuss”. He is a little man on skis, and painted blue, red, and white. “Schuss” means a straight downhill run at high speed on skis. So, the appearance of “Schuss” lead to making mascots official in the Olympics. In Munich in 1972 the International Olympic Committee