Informative Speech About Plumbing

Words: 567
Pages: 3

Plumbing is one of humanity's major accomplishments. It allows us to use a whole slew of amenities that before would have been unimaginable. Because of plumbing we have water at our fingertips 24/7 and the ability to wash dishes, clothes, shower and bathe, use the restroom, clean, and even fill up swimming pools. When your plumbing fails, it can be a complete disaster or simply disrupt your life. When plumbing issues require immediate attention, it is usually because the damage can can wreck permanent havoc on your home. How can you tell if you should make an emergency call to your plumber? Here are 5 signs you need a 24-hour plumber and 5 signs it can wait.

Emergency plumbing services exist to take care of the worst plumbing issues. They
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Having the water shut off for more than a day can become a huge disruption to your life.

2. You have a break in the water main

The water main is the primary connection of water to the home. When this line breaks, not only does it compromise the entire plumbing system, but it usually leads to massive leakage of water that can cause damage to your home, your yard, and even the neighbor's property.

3. You have a localized leak

Localized leaks can cause flooding and water damage to your home. The most common leakages occur under kitchen sinks or at the connection points for washing machines. If you have a localized leak it may require that your water main be temporarily shut down so the water flow ceases until repairs are fixed.

4. Your septic system is overflowing

Your septic system is best when it works behind the scenes. If your septic system overflows it can cause foul smelling human waste to back up through septic pipes and cause leakage where the septic system is buried. This could lead to neighborhood complaints and yard damage as well as being a general biohazard for you and your family.

5. You smell foul