Infotrac and Mih’keia J. Holloman Essay

Submitted By Nellllz
Words: 299
Pages: 2

Mih’Keia J. Holloman
Dr. Conner
AP English Language
3 October, 2012
"I don't think the media talk about young people as much as they should, and when they do, it's usually to portray them as offenders," ( Ramirez SontI 2005). I believe that this particular quote is indicating that teenagers don’t get enough acknowledgment as they should, but when they do, we teenagers are often contradicted. My opinion is, to have successful teenagers; our peers have to be motivational towards one another. Without motivation, we have no one to help us strive to be the best we can be. I think that if someone is there to help from start to finish, then there would be more success within the teenage youth.
"School shootings and other forms of school violence are not just a school's problem or a law enforcement problem. They involve schools, families and the communities. An adolescent comes to school with a collective life experience, both positive and negative, shaped by the environments of family, school, peers, community and culture.” (Lansky Steve 2012). I think that the author is saying that we cannot blame the school or the law for the violence that’s surrounding us and involves young adults. We can sort of point the finger at our environment, peers and the independent choices that we make. My opinion is that we all have our own mind. We choose to make the choices that we make and no one is to blame for but ourselves. We know that there is a consequence behind every action whether