Inside Out Character Development

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Pages: 5

The film, Inside Out, portrays the life of a child in the middle and late childhood stage. Inside Out follows Riley, a young girl who was uprooted from her whole life in Minnesota and moved to San Francisco for her father’s job. Led by her emotions – Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness – she must figure out how to adjust to this new life in a new city along with the new developments her body is going through. Inside Out addresses and focuses on developmental changes that all children in this stage of childhood go through – physical, cognitive, and emotional. Riley’s motor skills grow substantially throughout the movie, and the audience is able to view this growth as the film progresses from Riley's infancy to late childhood. The film begins with Riley opening her eyes for the first time and ends with her at twelve years old. Through the various stages, the audience is able to clearly view how Riley’s motor skills develop. As an infant, Riley relies heavily on her parents to move her around, since she has not acquired the motor skills to crawl or walk, but as she hits early childhood, she can move around freely by herself. Early childhood is the stage when she becomes more adventurous and willing to explore. However, Riley is not completely used to this new movement, and her movement is still not finely tuned, often appearing to …show more content…
The third stage is in the second level of his theory; the second level is known as conventional reasoning. At this level, individuals incorporate certain standards into their life, but the standards are set by other people, such as parents. The most valued aspects for individuals at this level are trust, compassion, and loyalty. Riley always tries to be good for her parents. She does what she can in order to receive their approval, but eventually, her emotions get the best of her and she misbehaves by arguing with them and running