Essay about Inspiring or Ignoring and wasting the brain

Submitted By msjenn
Words: 325
Pages: 2

Psychology 111
Inspiring Or Ignoring And Wasting The Potential Of The Brain What is the Brain? The brain, also known as the Encephaton, is a soft convoluted mass of nervous tissue with in the skull of the vertebrates; which controls and coordinate everything we do. There are different ways to inspire the brain, like teasing your brain. Learning a least a new word every day, trying to memorize things like grocery lists, solving puzzles, crosswords and scrabble. Reading things that come across you or solving math problems without a calculator, and much more. Studies have shown that keeping your brain challenged and engaged can actually help prevent Alzheimer’s disease; which is the most common form of dementia that affects memory, thinking and behavior. There is no cure for it but there are way to prevent it, such as exercising your brain daily physical and mentally.
Physical exercise, especially aerobic exercise, has positive effects on brain function on multiple fronts ranging from the molecular to behavioral level. For example; exercise increases heart rate, which pumps more oxygen to the brain. It also aids by bodily release of a plethora of hormones which helps in providing a nourishing environment for the growth of brain cells. Research from UCLA (Department of Neurosurgery Molteni R, Zheng JQ, Ying Z, Gomez-Pinilla F, Twiss JL.) demonstrated that voluntary exercise can increase growth factors in the brain making it easier for the brain to grown neuronal