Intelligence and Creative Problem Solver Essay examples

Submitted By EnchanteAmore1
Words: 317
Pages: 2

Summary Sheet! NAME: ________________________________________________
Use the Who Am I? sheets to help list the type of school activities you enjoy that relate to your brain type. E.g. Maths or English, Sport, drawing, group work, think in words, think in pictures, can easily read people’s emotions, creative problem solver, like facts and logic.
I enjoy music and sport, I can understand if anybody is sad.
Use the Who Am I? sheets to help list the type of school activities you enjoy that relate to your brain type. E.g. Maths or English, Sport, drawing, group work, think in words, think in pictures, can easily read people’s emotions, creative problem solver, like facts and logic.
I enjoy music and sport, I can understand if anybody is sad.
My Brain Dominance is: (delete incorrect options) strong right, right, middle, left, strong left.
My ranking of Multiple Intelligences is: (type in the table) 1 Highest Score | Music Intelligence | | 2 | People Intelligence | | 3 | Body intelligence | | 4 | Naturalist Intelligence | | 5 | Space and vision Intelligence | | 6 | Self Intelligence | | 7 | Word Intelligence | | 8 | Logic and Maths Intelligence | |
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