Interaction Observation

Words: 1751
Pages: 8

1. Who is involved in the interaction?
The people involved in my observation, starts off with me. I noticed a behavior from myself when I first arrived at the location and I also had an interaction that involved eye behavior and another person, whom was a Los Lunas Policeman. He was standing in line behind me while I was ordering my drink and food. The people I observed next, was two women who seemed to be friends. They were sitting facing each other and were in deep conversation. They both looked to be comfortable to a degree. The next person I watched was a young man. He was alone and was playing on his computer. I think he was playing a video game, because he had a controller and was speaking quietly the whole time. The next four people
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They were there together and seemed to be friends. They were engaging in mutual gaze for most of their conversation. There was one that did most of the talking, while the other one was speaking, she would just look at her smiling and never losing eye contact. My doing that I could tell she was trying to seem very interested in what the other was saying. At one point, there was sun in the women that was listening and she kept getting uncomfortable and losing eye contact so finally the talker got up and closed the blinds for her, which involves the first property, salience. The book says, on page 92, salience “plays an important role in managing our interactions, eliciting the attention of others, and communicating our interest in what others have to say. We generally expect people to respond to our gaze and often become frustrated when they do not do so immediately” (Richmond, McCroskey, and Hickson 2012). I think the women talking saw that the women listening was having a hard time looking at her so she had to fix it to go on with what she was …show more content…
They include the man who was playing on this computer game and the man and women who were both doing homework. The all sat the farthest away from other people and hardly had any noticeable eye behavior. The only one that made civil inattention was the young man playing a video game. He looked up once when I passed by him to find a seat. The other two did not seem to pay any attention to the world around them. The kept there eyes on their work. They probably did this to show that they are busy and to not sit by or disturb them. I would say they were engaged in “closing others out” as stated by the textbook on page 94 (Richmond, McCroskey, and Hickson 2012). The only difference would be that they were not looking at a person, but just looking at their