Internal Communication Essay

Submitted By tedwards1719
Words: 1003
Pages: 5

Who must be included in internal communications and why?

Internal communication can be utilized to effectively support and promote the mission and goals of the school and school’s district. The purpose of internal communication is to provide information about school-wide programs, events, and employees; and to address the interests of staff and other stakeholders. It also involves the effective use of written publications, newsletters, pamphlets, flyers and electronic communication such as Web sites, email blasts, and pre-recorded telephone messages that are directed towards all members of the school’s staff including but not limited to administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, administrative assistants, secretarial staff, custodians, and when applicable the students, parents and community members.

The reason that internal communication is not only essential, it is imperative because it can be the difference between the success and failure of a school. Involving others in this process makes them feel valued and helps to ensure that there is accountability and alignment when it comes to implementation of the school’s mission. It is important to have open, honest and ongoing communication with the school’s “family” and to understand that maintaining effective internal communication is essential for building relationships. These relationships are the foundation for a strong school system.

How can a principal make everyone feel valued in a school labeled "failing" by the state or by media?

I think that one of the first major steps towards making everyone feel valued in a school labeled as failing is for the principal to take responsibility for school success and not to make excuses for why the school is “failing” but rather identify what needs to be done differently to ensure student success. This level of accountability can be a powerful tool when trying to turn around a failing school because the principal is not finger pointing but rather rolling up his/her sleeves and digging in to find a viable solution.

A school administrator can make everyone feel valued by involving them in creating a shared vision and goals, fostering participation in the decision making processes, providing intellectual stimulation, building relationships with others, and demonstrating high performance expectations. It is important for the principal to maintain and relay high expectations not only of themselves but also for all staff members, students, and parents. Keeping the stakeholders informed of these expectations is essential however, providing them with the information and resources to meet and exceed these expectations is vital.

When should a principal communicate in writing rather than verbally? Why? When is verbal communication preferable? Why?

I think that it is important that a principal is open to utilizing various modes of communication to ensure that the message(s) being relayed is comprehensible and received by the intended audience. Written communication is a way to document and record the information and messages that have been communicated. As a teacher, I prefer written forms of communication so that I have a tangible source to reference to when necessary.

Verbal communication is preferable when the matter is personal. For example, when a principal addresses a teacher that may be having a difficult day, verbally communicating support for them and taking the time out of the principal’s busy work schedule to let them know that they are a valuable and important component that contributes to the growth and success of the school- can make a significant difference in morale.

In three to four well-developed paragraphs, write guidelines and principles for effective internal communication.

Effective internal communication helps the members of the school’s community coordinate activities to achieve goals, and it’s vital in socialization, decision-making, problem solving and the change-management