International Relations Theory

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2.2.2 Historical development of International Relations

The narration of international relations as a distinct discipline can be marked out back to a number of years past; Buzanand Little for instance, believe the relations of very old Sumerian city-states, early in 3,500 BC, as the primary fully-fledged international arrangement (Barry & Buzan, 2000). The King Wladyslaw IV official portraits dressed in Polish, French and Spanish fashions replicate the multifaceted politics of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth throughout the War of Thirty Years.

However, on the other hand the past of international relations narration on self-governing states frequently attached to the Westphalia Peace in 1648 a step towards the development of the contemporary
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The International Relations theory, though, has a long custom of borrowing on the effort of other societal sciences. Countless scholars name Sun Tzu’s The Art of War (6th century BC), Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War (5th century BC), Chanakya’s Arthashastra (4th century BC), as the motivation for realist theory, with Hobbes’ Leviathan and Machiavelli’s The Prince is as long as additional amplification.
2.3 Systematic Tools of International Relations
The first tool is diplomacy, which is the practice of communiqué and negotiation between legislatures of states. To some degree, all other tools of worldwide dealings are able to careful are the breakdown of mediation. The utilization of other approaches is element of the communication and compromise innate within diplomacy.

The second tools is Sanctions, force, and adjust trade rules, at the same time as not characteristically well thought-out part of diplomacy, are in fact precious approaches in the curiosity of influence and residency in dialogue. Sanctions are regularly a first option after the malfunction of diplomacy, and are among the major approaches utilized to implement treaties. They maybe in form of diplomatic or economic consent to and engage the cutting of ties and burden of barrier to trade and
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At this level of analysis, the international system is the cause and state behavior is the effect. Characteristics of the international system cause states to behave the way they do. Change in the international system will cause a change in state behavior. The key variable in the international system is the power of a state within the system. Some states are powerful; others are weak. So for example, the cold war had two powerful states. Therefore the central cause of all state behavior of the cold war was the fact that the US and USSR were the two powerful states in a bipolar system. Today, there is unipolar system – one superpower (or hyperpower) -- and that defines the behavior of all other states in the system. (See neo-realism below). So this level of analysis might explain the US intervention in Iraq as a matter of the US, the one and only powerful state, flexing its muscles to police the world against states that threaten it. The US wants to preserve its dominance and therefore crushes all