International Student Retention

Words: 1015
Pages: 5

International students attending U.S. colleges and universities bring valuable cultural and educational diversity as well as economic contributions to American campuses and their communities (Andrade, 2006). Internationalization on college campuses encourages cultural awareness which can provide beneficial skills for students as they enter the workplace in our globally interconnected society. As international student recruiting increases, universities must become more aware of the adjustment and acclimation challenges international students face and provide appropriate services to keep them enrolled.

Key words: International students, Internationalization, Globally Interconnected Society, Acclimation

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It is the goal of the institution that once international students have been successfully recruited, the students should be retained throughout their college career. For this reason, it is important to identify best practices and efforts concerning international student retention in colleges and universities in the United States. Research Question
Is there a correlation between campus climate and international student retention in colleges and universities in the United States?

Review of Literature
Colleges and universities in the United States have been the preferred destination for international students when it comes to continuing their education after high school (Open Doors, 2014). While universities have allocated additional funds for recruiting efforts, research has shown that lack of an effective support system once the students have arrived to the United States seems to be deficient (Bista, 2011). According to a report by the Chronicle of Higher Education (2010), sixty one percent of U. S. universities surveyed developed programs geared toward the recruitment of international students. Although added recruitment efforts have increased international student enrollment temporarily, an inadequate student support system does not adequately address the retention of international students (Bista, 2011).
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Internationalization: According to the National Association of Foreign Student Advisers (NAFSA, 2011), “internationalization is the conscious effort to integrate and infuse international, intercultural, and global dimensions into the ethos and outcomes of postsecondary education. To be fully successful, it must involve active and responsible engagement of the academic community in global networks and partnerships.”
3. Globally Interconnected Society:
The US economy depends increasingly on economic interdependence with other countries. For the jobs of today and tomorrow, employees must be conversant with the languages of our economic partners. Communicating effectively with partners from all corners of the globe requires at least a basic knowledge of the partner’s language and culture, both as a courtesy and as sustainable business practice (Moss, Manise, Soppelsa, 2012).
4. Acclimation: A U. S. News and World Report (2011) on education states that acclimation is adapting and transitioning to the new educational surroundings international students find themselves in as they study