Intimacy Vs Isolation

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Pages: 7

As a society, we see ourselves as individuals and we consider ourselves apart from others. We encounter people everyday from different cultures, races, ethnicities, genders and etc. In today’s society, everyone wants to experience love and relationships (and/or friendships) with other people. Growing up in the twenty first century, there are many people you will get along with and also dislike. Between the ages eighteen to forty, you may find yourself developing relationships and becoming independent. According to Erikson, “we began to share ourselves intimately with others. We explore relationships leading towards longer term commitments with someone other than a family member”. With that being said, this can result in happy and positive relationships however, it can also result in negative ways that may cause a divorce or etc. …show more content…
This may be a rough time for a man/women who is single because they aren't aware of what's happening. Intimacy vs. Isolation is the sixth stage of the Psychosocial development theory. This stage occurs after the fifth stage also known as Identity vs. Role confusion. In the sixth stage of Erikson’s theory, you may find yourself wanting to hang out with a friend, rather than a family member. You may become distant from your family because you have become attached to someone else. This is an important stage because it can potentially change you life because you can make major commitment leading up to marriage, or you could find out that your wife is