Involuntary Police Encounters Summary

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Pages: 2

Young minorities are often hyper-criminalized and stigmatized by society, especially by the justice system. Therefore Blacks and Latinos see the police as an enemy. As mentioned earlier police use the stop and frisk mostly on Black and Latino people without having a probable cause but instead because of their use of racial profiling. They see minorities as part of the problem and also seen as a suspect. There is higher surveillance on Black and Latino youth than there is on White youth. They have stereotypes of them as more reckless or savage so they are most likely to commit crime even though that might not be the case. In the Solis article “Latino Youths’ Experience with and Perceptions of Involuntary Police Encounters” it talked about …show more content…
He talked about how police officers used a lot of profanity when they approached the Black and Latino youth. They would also treat them as if they had no rights. Jose stated they used phrases like “shut the fuck,” “line up,” and “you have no rights.” Youth were going through these treatments often and because parents knew the way the neighborhood was they believed their children when they talked about their negative encounters with the police. The police used very negative approaches towards the youth intimidating them rather than making them feel protected. One of the encounters he talked about was how there was an incident where someone had stolen a boy’s bike and when they called the police the boy described the person. The police saw Jose and his brother had similar characteristics to the description and immediately thought it was them. They asked the boy to identify them but the boy said it was no them. Jose said that if it would have been a bad person they could have lied and caused him to get in trouble. Jose said all he had was negative experiences with the police and based on those past experiences he stated that to this day he becomes defensive when he sees police instead of feeling