Essay about Ionic Bond and Covalent Compounds

Submitted By ellandeb
Words: 534
Pages: 3

1. Which type of compound usually has higher melting points: ionic compounds or covalent compounds? What is the reason for this difference in melting points? (3 points)
Ionic componds have higher melting and boiling points than covalent compound. The electrostatic attraction in an ionic bond are very strong. But covalent bond their intermolecular forces are weak and can be easily broken
2. Do ionic compounds conduct electricity as: (3 points)
a. Solids? No
b. Liquids?Yes
c. Aqueous solutions (when the ionic compounds are dissolved in water)? yes
3. Do covalent compounds conduct electricity as: (3 points)
a. Solids? No
b. Liquids? No
c. Aqueous solutions (when the covalent compounds are dissolved in water)? No
Lab worksheet
4. Melting Point (4 points)

Substance A up to 600°C.
Substance B 185°C
Substance C up to 600°C
Substance D 104°C

6. Conductivity (4 points)
Substance A – did not conduct as a solid, but did conduct (lights up the light bulb when the alligator clips are connected to the metal electrodes in the liquid) as a liquid and in aqueous solution.
Substance B – did not conduct as solid, liquid, or in aqueous solution.
Substance C – did not conduct as a solid, but did conduct as a liquid and when in aqueous solution.
Substance D – did not conduct as solid, liquid, or in aqueous solution.

SPart II: Conclusion
Answer the following questions in your own words, using complete sentences.
7. Based on your observations in the lab, categorize each unidentified compound as ionic or covalent. Explain in one or two sentences why you categorized the compounds the way that you did. (5 points)

-Substance A and C are ionic bonds because their melting point are over 300 degrees Celsius and the liquid state had conductive properties
-Substances B and D are covalent bonds because their melting points were under 300 degrees Celsius and are not conductive in any form

8. Explain, in your own words, the differences between ionic and covalent bonding that account for the differences in their