Ionic Compound Combined with Reactant to Make a White Substance Essay

Submitted By spuzmino
Words: 606
Pages: 3

Ionic Compound combined with reactant to make a white substance.
The reason for this lab was to find out which of the seven unknown chemicals were combined with a reactant to make a solid white substance. If two combinations of ionic compounds are mixed then it will create a white substance. By using the ionic compound lab it identifies the compounds and then combined to find the result of the solid white substance. The effects of water contamination of calcium, chloride, iron and copper ions on the human body may cause health issues and have a similar salt like taste. Iron and chloride contaminated water is not known to have any health side effects but is to to stain clothing and rust pipes. Although copper could cause long term kidney and liver damage to a person. Calcium could cause problems with the nervous system and in some cases cause Anemia. Ionic compounds were easily tested by indemnifying their properties such as: brittleness, high melting point, crystal lattice, and also they’re very highly conductive. The information gathered was used to predict the products reactions causing the white solid to have to be made from a metal and nonmetal. Day 1 for the ionic compound test safety material had to be checked and also the chemicals: Calcium Chloride, Copper(II) Chloride, Iron(II) Nitrate, Barium Chloride, and Iron(III) Sulfate were to avoid skin and eyes due to the fact that these chemicals could all cause irritation to eyes and skin if handled incorrectly. The hands lends, Bunsen burner, conductivity tester, ring stand, beaker, wire gauze, stirring rod, and scale were all taken and used to set up for the ensuing lab. These substances were set in the hand lends to be observed and examined for properties such as how hard and for a crystal like visual. This step was repeated for all the substances. The Bunsen burner was turned on and adjusted until there was a small blue cone at the top of the flame. 1 gram of each chemical was measured in a crucible and heated for two minutes. The substance was tested and recorded to see if it had melted or not. Then after 0.2 grams were placed in distilled water, which was in a beaker filled up to 125mL. The conductivity tester was then placed in the beaker, observed, and then recorded if the red or green light were on, also if the lights were a dark or light color. This step was again repeated for all of the unknown substances. Day 2 of the