Irus's Fight

Words: 468
Pages: 2

Irus is the beggar on the island of Ithaca. There is a new beggar in town, but he knows not his name. “He is cutting into my food supply,”Irus thinks to himself. “Something must be done to him. Maybe a fight. I can win a fight against some weak, old nobody.” The fight started with Irus confronting the new beggar. “Get off the porch, you old goat, before I haul you off by the leg!”(18.12-13) Tempers escalated, especially after Antinous decided to chime in, “Now, whoever wins this bout and proves stronger,... from this day on he feasts among us”(18.34-36) “I can win this fight,” Irus told himself as he stared down his opponent. The beggar looked different though. He used to have no shine in his eyes, and seemed depressed. He had no apparent fighting …show more content…
“What have I gotten myself into?” Irus asked himself. The beginning bell rang, and Irus charged his opponent. Irus swung up towards the beggar’s chin, but he was knocked down by some unworldly force. Irus heard his neck snap in all places possible, and he hit the ground cheek first. The rest of his body followed, and Irus was in excruciating pain. His neck was screaming louder than Zeus’ firebolts. His head throbbed more than his stomach had ever throbbed before. He heard vague cheering over the immense ringing in his ears. The other suitors were congratulating the other beggar and walking in the direction of the palace. Irus could make out a figure coming his way. He tried to ask him for help, but all that oozed out was a mouthful of deep red blood. The man took Irus by the leg and dragged him off to the dung pile. “You,” the man declared, “are now a scarecrow.” He threw him on top of the large, brown pile that smelled worse than the other beggar when he first arrived. The beggar had crumpled Irus’ neck, and the impact seemed to have knocked all of Irus’ memory out. The fall Irus took had dislocated his jaw and severely scraped up his