Is DNA okay? Essay

Submitted By shaeshae5
Words: 422
Pages: 2

Some crimes seem impossible to solve. Not enough evidence and or, not enough witnesses. In today's world, crime is spread all over the news. “Two bodies found by local park.” Crazy stories that are publicly thrown out but shouldn't have the publicity that they get. It's sickening but yet at the same time it makes you want justice for those people and their families. It takes time and a lot of DNA samples to be able to actually find the right match on who committed the crime. Some people wait months, others wait years. Shannon Kohler, a serial killer, netted more than 600 DNA samples to find whether he had committed the crime or not. Not only does DNA help reveal the truth, it leads to more eye opening evidence. For example, whereabouts the murder was at, or what time the murders had occur. To get DNA samples from an individual there has to be a court order. Then they decide whether or not that individual should be tested for the evidence. This indeed helps solve crimes but yet it is taking away civil liberties of some innocent people. The government should put in stricter controls over the use of DNA because it does help solve crimes. More than half of the U.S. States require cops to collect DNA after an arrest for certain offenses. Some states require automatic removal of genetic data collected from a person whose case is later dismissed. Some laws retain the sample indefinitely. DNA can be revealing and have personal details, but yet it still is for the better. DNA use