Is Macbeth Responsible For Killing Duncan

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Pages: 3

planned out is not right but is going to execute his murder plan anyway. Some people might say that Macbeth isn’t guilty because Lady Macbeth came up with the plan and made him do it. “I have done the deed” (2. 2. 15). Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth that he has done the deed of killing Duncan. Macbeth is the one who planned and executed the murder. Macbeth is guilty of murdering Duncan in the first degree, and he is, also, guilty of murdering Banquo in the first degree. Macbeth is responsible for the planning and carrying out of the murder of Banquo. Macbeth knows exactly when he wants Banquo to be executed. “Hath rung night’s yawning peal, there shall be done/ A deed of dreadful note.” (3. 2. 46-47.). Macbeth has his plan to murder Banquo. He