Is Milk Good for You? Essays

Submitted By DestenyNgo1
Words: 481
Pages: 2

Why You Should Not Drink Milk
While we were taught to believe that milk is the epitome of healthy drinking, it’s all really a gamble. Milk can be highly beneficial or highly detrimental. Physicians underline the importance of plenty of milk in young bodies, and dairy products have long been a part of the standard food pyramid. Milk from many animals particularly cows, has long been regular food stable, but not all cultures. It contains other food sources such as cheese, yogurt, and butter also it’s a source of protein, vitamin D, and calcium. On the flip side, it can also be a trigger for lactose intolerance. Lactose is a sugar digested in the intestinal tract. Many people tend to lose or lack the ability to digest lactose and suffer from heavy bowel cramping, bloating, or even loose bowels upon consuming dairy products. This problem can overpower to some degree by replacing the loss of enzymes as an oral supplement. Even when not seen as a specific allergy, milk is frequently not tolerated by the gastrointestinal tract. This is a problem that can expand beyond lactose intolerance. In clinical terms, milk may be linked to increased eczema, worsening sinus problems, migraine headaches, and joint pain. Due to this many have removed or eliminated milk from their diet. But for those who wish to keep dairy in their diet, should know that the milk on store shelves that are supposedly healthy is far from it. Milk cows are given growth hormones to increase their milk production and antibiotics to decrease infections. These materials become contaminants in the milk and their impact on the human body is not entirely known. Containers that clearly states that the cows used to produce the milk were not given any hormones or antibiotics. The so called word “organic”