Is Scout A Reliable Narrator In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Is Scout a reliable narrator in To Kill A Mockingbird?
Scout, a reliable narrator? Pfft. In the book To Kill A Mockingbird we are narrated by a six year old girl in the 1930s called Scout. Scout is very smart for her age and is guided by a strong role model. But is Scout a reliable narrator in To Kill A Mockingbird?
Scout would be a reliable narrator in To Kill A MockingBird. Even though some people might say that Scout is not a reliable narrator because she is young and may not experience the real 1930s at that age are even understand it. But that’s not true. Some evidence that shows that Scout is a reliable narrator in To Kill A Mockingbird are (1) The plays from books (2)When Scout is talking about Session; (3); How Scout explains
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Caroline said where she was from and Scout starts to think about when Alabama seceded from the Union on January 11,1861, Winston County seceded from Alabama. This is reliable because in Alabama that would still be big news. Having Winston County leave Alabama everybody would know. Also Scout says that North Alabama was full of liquor Interests, Big Mules, steel companies, Republicans, professors, and other persons of no backgrounds. So this must have been an awful time for them.

Finally the last piece of evidence that proves that Scout is a reliable narrator is when she is describing Dill’s appearance. Dill’s was wearing blue linen shorts that buttoned to his shirt. This was a very common look for boys in the 1930s. Blue lined shirts that buttoned down to the shirt were to make sure that their shirt was not to untuck. Also the way Scout described how she and Ms. Caroline were dressed also shows 1930s ladies clothing.
In conclusion, Scout is a reliable narrator. Scout shows that she is reliable from almost everything she says. From how Maycomb looked to how the Cunninghams payed them. Scout knows all the popular books, and authors. She explains how Dill is dressed. And talks about session and how it affected