Is The American Dream Still Possible Essay

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Pages: 3

Despite America changing so drastically in the last 240 years, many would argue that the American Dream can still be fulfilled by working hard, people also defend the fact that the American Dream is still attainable by the average American. There are some Americans that would qualify that it is true that anyone who tries can achieve the American Dream; others would claim that achieving the American Dream is not possible in this day and age, because many people would argue that the American Dream can still be reached by the people of America. Truly, the American Dream is still feasible to this day. Proof of this is everywhere, one example of this is the article “American Dream is Still Alive but Unrecognized” by Everett Rosenfeld of CNBC. One line of his article is, “A new study shows that the majority of Americans are …show more content…
Proof that this is true is in Barack Obamas keynote speech. Obama says, “They imagined me going to the best schools in the land, even though they weren’t rich, because in a generous America you don’t have to be rich to achieve your potential.” (Obama 79) This shows how an American can achieve the American Dream by working hard because Obama speaks of how you can be successful even without being rich because America is generous in opportunity as long as you take it. Another article that supports that achieving the American Dream is still possible is an article by Ebad Jengda. “In this country, a man’s ambition and drive still determine his legacy. America is still a nation that no matter where you’re from and no matter what your background is, you are free to prosper and fail by your own choices”. (Jengda 1) This article is another piece that shows how the American Dream is still here. This article proves that in the way that it talks about how America is still a nation where you can do anything, no matter what you are from or what your background is as long as you make the right