Is3350 Unit 4 Assignment

Words: 798
Pages: 4

What I actually did?
In the first lesson of the week after the Easter holidays, I had a discussion with the teacher and my actual teacher came back after a few months due to personal circumstances. The teacher discussed to collect my coursework on Thursday 14th April 2016 and requested to make a few improvements on my coursework and ensure I adjust to these changes, which they will discuss once I receive the coursework. Furthermore, one of the tasks I haven't completed, which I need a tablet, the client will decide when's the best day to complete this task, which is part of the testing, this was planned on Thursday 14th April 2016.
Also, I clicked on F12 and checked whether or not my website fitted on I Phone 4 and a tablet. However, it failed the test on an I
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On the other hand, I ran out of printer credits, which meant that I had to have a discussion with the IT technician to ensure I have more points as I do Alevel ICT, which means I would print of more tasks, which they were happy to change.
Also, I didn't save the files with the name of the task, which meant that it was time consuming for me to find. However, I have understood to ensure that I save the files with a specific name, which means it would be easier for me to find the task and it would save time. As well as, this would affect the user because if I complete the work late I would not meet their needs. Therefore, this is significant. However, for future references, this would help me.
The library was closed at dinner time. This meant that I had to reschdule a date. Moreover, now I know to ensure that I have a discussion with the libarian every month so I am able to know when it's open or closed or ask for a timetable, which would make it easier for me to go to the library whenever I need