Islam Beliefs Essay

Submitted By mclemesh
Words: 525
Pages: 3

Islam is built upon the four characteristics of religion: beliefs, sacred texts and writings, ethics as well as rituals and ceremonies. These characteristics give Muslims a monotheistic worldview which interacts to create a dynamic living tradition.

Islam is made a dynamic living tradition through its beliefs and believers. Islam’s most fundamental belief is in Allah (Islamic deity) who is believed to be transcendent as he is the sole creator of all that exists, and supernatural beyond all possible human or natural ability ("Nature of Allah," 2013). Beliefs allow adherents to take meaning from Allah and apply it to their communities. Without beliefs, Muslims can’t carry out their everyday routines, they dedicate and worship their whole lives to Allah alone.

Sacred texts and writings play a role in establishing the tradition of Islam. The Qur’an is the most important sacred text of Islam as it provides guidance for Islamic believers. Containing the unchanged and complete revelations of Allah, it holds all fundamental beliefs. The Qur’an is seen as the authoritative and supreme chief of a Muslim’s faith and practice. It is believed that the Qur’an is the word of Allah and that it provides all ethics Muslims must follow. By reading the Qur’an daily, Islam is made a dynamic living tradition as it keeps Muslim beliefs and ethics alive by providing the rules and directions for society.

The ethics of Islam are a key facet which shapes the tradition. Inspired by the Qur’an, there are 5 core ethical teachings Muslims must follow to achieve salvation: love of Allah, humility, modesty, naturalness and selflessness ("Islamic Teachings in Brief," 2012, sec.2 Ethics). By following these teachings Muslims are able to reach heaven. By following ethics and rituals, it gives Islamic codes of beliefs a lived expression and helps analyze the relationship between the human and the Devine which allows the living tradition to stay active.

Islamic rituals and ceremonies are central to the creation of a dynamic, living tradition. The Qur’an states the importance of The Five Pillars of Islam, these are five obligations Muslims must