Island Scrub Jays: Case Study

Words: 588
Pages: 3

Island Scrub Jays are a large part of the Channel Island food web. If their population were to diminish the energy pyramid would crumble and be rebuilt. In the Jay’s place, Island Foxes would settle. The latter is an endangered species that desperately needs more access to sustenance - the disappearance of competition would likely save the species, however, the looming threat of tertiary predators might prevent that. The Island Scrub Jay population must be saved as well, as it only exists on the islands: it is another endangered species. The plan that must go into action would save these two populations and solve any repercussions that occur when an energy pyramid is reformed. While they do form a large part, Island Scrub Jays are not the …show more content…
A way to save the two species would be to reduce the populations of the tertiary consumers of the islands. They not only attack the secondary consumers below them, but they also feed on animals in other levels, such as the deer mice: a crucial part of the Jay’s diet. Ergo, it is most likely the tertiary consumers fault that the Island Scrub Jays have all but disappeared - they not only consumed them but also their food supply. By reducing the numbers of this particular trophic level, both populations would thrive. This can be done by relocating animals such as Golden Eagles to places where their population is falling, or perhaps to a region with surplus food supply that the animals would moderate. It is critical, however, that the tertiary consumers are not wiped out completely - that would lead to the depletion of primary consumers by the secondary (whose population would explode); they simply need to be kept away from