Isolation In The Minister's Black Veil

Words: 1168
Pages: 5

So many people in this world hide who they really are just to fit in with a society who would not care about who they really were. For some people, it is in the nature to hide who they really are and for others it is not, but for some it is a symbol. Pastor Hooper is one who takes as a symbol, but the society doesn’t take it lightly and don't accept him. This is probably seen very easily to happen to Hooper, especially since he live in a Puritan time. Where people have a hard time accepting. In The Minister's Black Veil, Hawthorne uses the theme of isolation, and a community which can change how it feels on the subject of sin. The Allegory of the story reflects the fact that we all have secrets but when we think one of us is hiding the biggest, it could really just be ourselves. In the “Minister’s Black Veil,” the main character Hooper hides his own face behind a Black Veil. The reaction of the people is automatically to be scared of him for they think he has committed some grand scale sin. In reality, Mr.Hooper only did it to symbolize everyone else’s hidden sins that they even God doesn’t know about it. Hooper lets the town know this at the end of the story that he didn’t wear it cause he did something but because society did. Hooper can be described to be very gentle and kind man of the town, his smile that he …show more content…
This story shows Mr.Hooper’s life all the way till death. Not only that but it shows what happens when you decide to take upon yourself a symbol far too great for anyone else to wear. By putting on the Black Veil he ended up pretty much distancing himself from everyone making him become a loner. Not explaining the symbol to the community made them all become too scared of him and them alienating him. Not only did the community isolate Hooper but in a way he isolated the community that really liked