Issue With Internal Recruitment Essay

Submitted By neylinr
Words: 1592
Pages: 7

1. Issue with internal recruitment – reluctance of managers to grant permission for their subordinates to be interviewed for potential transfer or promotion
2. Advertising, Employment agencies, Educational institutions, Professional organizations, Military Labor, unions
3. Source expenses: Private employment agencies, Trips, Advertising responses, Employee referrals and Walk ins
4. Statistic needed to estimate: the number of leads to generate a given number of hires in a given time. Can be based on prior recruitment experience From accurate records of yield ratios and time-lapse data
Yield ratios – ratios of leads to invites, invites to interviews, interviews to offers, offers to hires over a specified time period
Time-lapse data – provide the average intervals between events, such as between the extension of an offer to a candidate and acceptance or between acceptances and addition to the payroll
5. Job challenge and interesting work: important to individuals who have exhibited high academic or social achievement
High pay levels, strong promotion opportunities, and performance-based pay: more important to those with high levels of social achievement
6. Applicant reactions to selection procedures can be explained largely in terms of perceived fairness or justice. In general, applicants appear to accept the use of cognitive ability tests in selection. There are, however, sometimes differences in perceived test fairness across demographic groups. Although there is little evidence that the use of testing causes job seekers to drop out of applicant pools.
7. Delays. In campus recruiting contexts, delays between recruitment phases can cause significant dropout from applicant pools. Most severe among applicants with the most opportunities. In other types of labor markets, dropout due to delays may be heaviest among those who need immediate employment.
8. Realistic Job Previews: Because most employers try to make themselves appear to be a good place to work, applicant expectations generally are inflated, Leads to dissatisfaction
Can counter these tendencies by providing realistic information to job applicants.
RJPs are likely to have the greatest impact when the applicant
Can be selective about accepting a job offer
Has an unrealistic job expectations
Would have difficulty coping with job demands without the RJP
9. Developed by John L. Holland Theory of careers and vocational choices based upon personality types
Realistic (Doers), Investigative (Thinkers), Artistic (Creators), Social (Helpers), Enterprising (Persuaders) and Conventional (Organizers)
10. Recommendations and reference checks rely on the opinions of relevant others to help evaluate what and how well the applicant did in the past: Information obtainable, Employment and educational history, Evaluation of the applicant’s character, personality, and interpersonal competence, Evaluation of the applicant’s job performance ability, Willingness to rehire
11. Recommendations have little value and validity (average validity is .14)
12. Application forms are one of the most widely used selection procedures
13. 20-25% of all resumes and job applications include at least one major fabrication
14. Overt integrity tests: Attitudes towards theft/dishonesty. Admissions of theft and other illegal activities
15. Computer-Based Screening Advantages: Administration is easier. Standardized. Responses are recorded and stored automatically. Tests can be accessed from remote locations. Accommodations for those with disabilities. Does not exacerbate adverse impact.
16. Private employers are prohibited from requiring or requesting polygraph exams except:
Firms providing security services
Firms manufacturing controlled substances
17. Social/Interpersonal: Interviewer-Applicant Similarity, Similarity leads to attraction, attraction leads to positive effect, and positive affect can lead to higher interview ratings. Same race sometimes rated higher. Can eliminate this effect by having different