James De A Tragic Hero

Words: 492
Pages: 2

Intro: “If a man can bridge the gap between life and death, if he can live on after he's dead, then maybe he was a great man.” This quote not only applies to James Dean but was said by him. James Dean is one of the most iconic figures of the 1950’s and is often an icon for Teenage Disillusionment and being an outcast. James Dean died at the height of his career leaving much about him a mystery. Author Peter L. Winkler collected stories from interviews and articles from those closest to Dean to show the many sides of the Enigmatic star.

Evidence 1: The first piece of evidence is found in the forward. The forward, which was written by George Steven s Jr. In the forward it is stated that the author has collected a anthology of various stories that help to show how Dean acted in various ways with various people. The forward basically restates my point, the author wanted to show the different sides of Dean.
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In the stories told by his former speech coach as well as his grandmother they describe Dean differently compared to the actors who worked with him. Those close to him describe him reckless and wild but also very dedicated. Raymond MAssey who worked with Dean on the set of East of Eden was often at odds with the young actor and it wasn’t until the final few scenes that they made amends, he felt Dean was immature and a pain, and didn’t respect his acting style until the very end. These contradictory statements show the difference in Dean’s personality which helps further the author's purpose to show the different sides of his