James Earl Ray Case Study Examples

Words: 179
Pages: 1

ase Study Template
**These are only guidelines and will vary case by case

Title: James Earl Ray
What: James Earl Ray was responsible for the assassination of Martin Luther King. King was on a second floor balcony of the Lorraine Motel. Shortly after the shot, witnesses saw Ray fleeing the scene.

Victim- Martin Luther King
Suspect- James Earl Ray
Witness- Annie Estelle Peters
District Attorney- Philip M. Canale
Friend of King- Reverend Samuel B. Kyles
Medical Examiner- Dr. Jerry T. Francisco

When/ Where:
Where: Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee
When: April 4, 1968
Hospital: Saint Josephs Hospital
Pronounced dead at - 7:05


The maximum penalty under Tennessee law in 1969 for first degree murder was death.