Jane Eyre Thesis

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Pages: 6

Jane Eyre

Topic : Marriage in “Jane Eyre” In “Jane Eyre” Charlotte Brontë rejects the traditional role of women subdued by social conceptions and masculine authority by generating an identity to her female character.
Jane´s personality will bring into being a new kind of marriage based on equality, meanwhile her choice for romantic fulfilment will depend solely on her autonomy and self-government.

Introduction Charlotte Brontë´s “Jane Eyre” stands as a model of genuine literature due to the fact that it breaks all conventions and stereotypes and goes beyond the boundaries of common romance in order to obtain love, identity and equality. 1. Society and Marriage In the Victorian period people
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Rochester´s family that eventually went wrong due to its history of madness.

2. Mistress or Wife Another thriving subject planted for debate by Brontë´s “Jane Eyre” is that of morality versus sinfulness, between being a bride or a lover, and if Jane could not become the first she could very simply be the second. What Charlotte wants to point out is: could the orphan Jane, a governess with no social status, no money, and little beauty become a woman that a man like Rochester would marry? Or it will be better for her to acknowledge her situation and abide to it. Without a doubt, this new iconic type of woman will prove that it can be done: women can aspire to something more than the position of a mistress, they can rebel and become independent and take decisions. That is why Brontë´s Jane is making a choice: she recognizes that Rochester is her superior, her employer and his financial status exceeds hers. This acceptance reminds Jane that any love between them will not result in marriage, but in her becoming his
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Still that is not enough and her dissatisfaction for not being in a state of parity with Mr. Rochester makes Jane hold back. She has become rich and independent but not an equal to her beloved one, and not seeing herself like that makes Jane suppress her desires and not go back to him. In the end it all resumes to the requirement that Rochester be “like” Jane, only then her fulfilment of passionate love will occur. In order to achieve that romantic resolution Brontë transforms Edward into a physical wounded man and as Carla Kaplan said “this feminization of Rochester compensates for the differences of power and authority […] that up until then represented the inequalities of Victorian gender arrangements “(88). This new and at the same time broken Rochester changes the way in which Jane sees themselves. At last they are equals, and his mutilation makes him be more vigorous and stronger than before. From now one, and only in this state of true parity, they can rely on each other without fears; now they can have a real marriage.