Jealousy In The Kite Runner

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Pages: 1

Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner is about friendship and reveals that friends should not be jealous of each other. Throughout the beginning of the book, Amir is jealous of his servant Hassan, who is also his friend. Amir is jealous because his Baba treats Hassan like a son than to Amir, and he is greedy in which he wants his Baba’s attention all to himself. Moreover, as a friend of Hassan, Amir should stand up for him when in trouble. However, it shows that Hassan is always standing up for Amir, without any regret and Amir does not. In the Alley, Amir witnesses the horror that Hassan is faced with, even so, Amir is cowardly towards the situation resulting in his fleet. The theme shows that due to Amir’s greed and envy, he treats Hassan horrible