Jennifer Marie Brown: Hate List

Words: 660
Pages: 3


Jennifer Marie Brown was born May 11, 1972 in kansas city missouri and lives there with her husband and three children. this is her award winning novel called hate list . In this novel Valerie Leftman must return to school five months after her boyfriend Nick took a gun and shot their classmates. Many Valerie placed on a list she called the hate list. Many of the kids and most of the adults think Valerie knew of Nick's plot to kill the kids on the list even though Valerie saved the life of one girl and was shot herself. Even the police thought Valerie was responsible until an unnamed girl went to the police and insisted that Valerie never shot anyone. In Hate List Valerie and everyone around her must pick up the pieces after this . creating a story that is both universal and so
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Valerie has decided to return to her high school five months after her boyfriend took a gun and began shooting inside the school cafeteria known as the Commons. Valerie stopped Nick and was shot herself but the media played up the fact that Valerie was co-author of a hate list on which most of the names of the victims appeared. Valerie was investigated by police and cleared but everyone from Valerie's parents to her classmates continue to believe her guilty to some degree. On the first day of school Ginny Baker a girl Nick shot in the face runs crying out of Valerie's homeroom. At lunch Valerie finds herself shut out by her old friends, including the girl who has been her best friend since kindergarten. Surprisingly, however, Jessica Campbell, the one girl who tormented Valerie the most with the nickname Sister Death, reaches out to Valerie and offers to let her sit at her table in the