Jerome Sieger Essay

Words: 513
Pages: 3

Jerome Sieger begins his essay by explaining what is behind where all of our everyday necessities that we wear come from. People do not truly understand how much time or effort is put into making simple things, just like what we wear on our feet. As Sieger explains “Chances are your shoes, like most clothing we wear, manufactured in a developing country in Asia or Latin America” (124). Now Sieger is not trying to tell people to realize where these individuals' stuff is coming from, but making a realization of how much these people work for such things just to come out with long hours and a lack of empathy from others. The problem he identifies is that us Americans never “imagine someone else’s perspective” (124) and “our country is rich enough to afford such a high minimum wage and strict labor standards” (124) that we should not have to, but for other countries, sweatshops are used so that these people or families can escape poverty. …show more content…
In order to accomplish this purpose, he goes more in depth on why people choose the job sweatshops rather than other jobs. Sieger goes on to say that research shows that “sweatshops are significantly better than alternatives” (125). It shows that some people choose sweatshops as a stepping stone to get back on their feet to hopefully find a better job, but some might not be able to. It also shows that working other jobs in these developing countries may not help either. Most factory workers tend to work in “subsistence agriculture, which is one of the three most dangerous industries in the world” (125). So some might ought to stick to sweatshops because it reduces the level of poverty and creates empowerment for women, but that is in fact not the long term