Jerry Maguire And Dorothy's Relationship

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Pages: 5

In a business arena, the statement “fewer clients, less money” is taboo. This statement is even truer in the world of a sports agent. But in the film Jerry Maguire (1996), a sport agent Jerry Maguire, played by Tom Cruise, used this statement as premise to draw all the business conclusions. Jerry Maguire was a typical money hunger business man before reaching to this point in the movie, and he made it impossible to insert quality into his career by overwhelming himself with numerous clients. It was at the point of an epiphany that he realized the quality of the relationship he had with his clients and the kind of advice he gave them were more important than the amount of client he had. He was working for a company called SMI: Sport Management …show more content…
Because Avery was only an under-developed and superficial plot device, the relationship between her and Jerry was, in my opinion, made a kind of sit-com sense. Throughout these relationships, we can see that an authentic and ethical communication is highly consequential in close relationships. According to the textbook, relational intimacy is based on taking responsible for what you say to others, respect information that other disclosed, and confront issue that are important to the relationship or other party. As this film showed, close relationships offer us a unique source of health, belonging, support and being significant context in which the communications take …show more content…
On a variety of important issue, mass media serve a significant role in shaping public perceptions through the message dispense on them and through the interpretation people place on them. Mass media also play a large part in shaping modern culture by selecting or portraying belief, values, and tradition as reality. One example of mass media in the movie was the mission statement Jerry printed and passed out to all of his peers. This was used to express his heartfelt belief of what a business should be. It was a good use of mass media communication, although it has a negative impact on Jerry’s goal of “getting pay” since he was fired after that. Another form of mass media in the movie was the use of landline which Jerry used to contact all of his clients. People nowadays have other options to choose to communicate, such as email, texting and social media, however, telephone communication still has its benefits in impersonal world despite it might not be as innovative as its new-media counterparts. We can see the importance of telephone calls through the movie, as well as