Jessenia Vasquez: A Short Story

Words: 778
Pages: 4

In Miami Florida, Jessenia Vasquez had a very crazy, shaky life. Her mother and father died in a house fire when she was 4 years old. She was put into a home where her foster parents Joe and Caroline Forbs, abused her all the time and locked her in the basement. Jessenia was 2 years ahead in school and graduated at 16. When she graduated she wanted to leave but Joe and Caroline would not let her. About a year after she graduated, she was cleaning up the house when her Joe and Caroline had received a visitor. He looked only a couple years older than her and had bags with him. When she got started with the kitchen, she heard her Joe telling the boy that he will do whatever he says when he says it. The boy simply nodded and asked where does he put his belongings. Joe threw his bags in the basement and told the boy to get down there. When Jessenia was done cleaning she went down to the basement and noticed the boy sitting on the floor opening his bags. He said “hi, my name is Quasim Smith.” She told him her name and he replies with “I know who you are, don’t be alarmed I am here to save you.” …show more content…
She started to pace the room in confusion. “How do you know who I am and where I live” she asked. “I am from a government black opps program. I mean you no harm I was sent here to help you escape this place, I was informed that you get physically abused here and the program knows that you have a bright future ahead of you and wants you to have a second chance at life.” he replied. “If you’re here to help me then I need you to teach me how to protect myself from them. I want to leave this place now!” she said. “We have a lot of work to do then. It’s going to take about 2 weeks before we can get you out of here are you ready for this? You have to be ready for this what happens after this conversation cannot be undone. “he said. “I been