Jing-Mei's Transformation In Two Kinds By Amy Tan

Words: 690
Pages: 3

Some people ask others to push them as a motivation, but others think being pushed to do something is dumb or they might find it as aggressive or a physical challenge. “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan is a story in which a daughter named Jing-mei who is being pushed by her mother to be a “prodigy.” Her mom was from China and wants Jing-mei to have a better life, Jing-mei refuses to follow what her mom wants her to do. Jing-mei cited “my mother believed you could be anything you wanted to be in America” (Tan 220). After a careful analysis of the story, the reader understands how Jing-mei’s feelings toward her mother changed, why her feelings changed, and how those changed feelings affected the entire story. Since a person can ruin a relationship easily between a child and parent because kids can’t understand why parents tell them no or don't allow them to do everything they want to do. In this story, Jing-mei didn't want to be the child who let their parents control who they wanted to become, she believed in her own destiny. “I won't let her change me, i promised myself. I won't be what I’m not” (Tan 223). Jing-mei mom never gave up and kept pushing her into being a perfect prodigy that her mom couldnt be since she was in China. …show more content…
She shows her annoyance with her mom when she shouts, “ I wish I were dead! Like them” (Tan 231). After Jing-mei screamed this she saw how hurt her poor mom looked. The face her mom showed as if she was stunned to what her child have just stabbed her in the back. Jing-mei feels like her mom can’t speak to her anymore. She knew she had greatly disappointed her mom and failed her so many times, Jing-mei feel short on her mom’s expectations. “ all that remained unchecked, like a betrayal that was now unspeakable” (Tan 232). Jing-mei wasn’t really sure why her mom gave up so easily on her. After the incident the mom never brought up playing the piano