Joan Brumberg The Beauty Ideal

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Pages: 3

The “Beauty” Ideal This reading explains how “beauty” is portrayed in different ways when it comes to looks. It explains how we use our hair, bodies, and looks to identify beauty. The author talks about how beauty ideal can vary depending on social status. However much of this ideal beauty come from what is seen from the media and by people that the society looks up to. We need to start living up to the standards of what out nations wants, and live up to what our own definition of beauty that will set us apart from the “beauty ideal” Breast Buds and “Training” Bra
In this reading Joan Brumberg explains the history of the bra, its purpose and how it became so popular. Bras were made to prevent sagging. However, that is not all that they are used for. Since the 50th’s many women and teens are using bras as a sex appeal to attract men. Young girls are now wanting to wear bras before puberty because having “big breast” signifies you as a women. Meaning you will look more like what the media society is portraying women to look like.
If men could menstruate
I found this reading the most intriguing, because it really says a lot about our society. In this Argument, Gloria Steinem explains how the world would be if men had a cycle. First off I will like to say that I agree with Steinem
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In this Argument RoseWeitz talk about the issues of hair in our society. She began by sending out an email query to college women, about hair flipping to catch a man. Next, Weitz goes on to talk about relationship and how many women base their hair of their partners preface or how they change their hair to make sure their still attractive. Weitz, also explains how hair plays a big role and when it comes to our hair we wear it to be socially approves or in different styles that result in lack of social status. Additionally, if we stop letting our hair portray who we are we can get rid of many of the stereotypes other have about use and our