John F Kennedy Inaugural Address Essay

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Pages: 3

An inaugural address is a speech given at Washington D.C. on January 20th, which informs the people of their intentions as a leader, in which John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s inaugural possesses a vast use of rhetorical devices, or surface details in order to accomplish objectives of his speech. John F. Kennedy uses antithesis, parallelism, ethos, syntax, diction, antimetabole, anaphora, and a variety of sentence structures to grasp the audience’s attention, and to demonstrate what he desires to accomplish.
First of all, Kennedy begins his speech with an antithesis. “An end as well as a beginning,” and “a new generation of Americans” contradicts old and new, which emphasizes a new change that will occur throughout his presidency. Also, it presents the juxtaposition between the older and younger generation of Americans. One of his objectives is to compact the people under one objective despite the differences in age, race, and characteristics.
In addition, parallelism is common by using repetition. “Let both sides…” (53) illustrates eagerness and growth of energy throughout his speech, since his statements stack upon each other, creating his foundation. It also allows the audience to convey and comprehend Kennedy’s ideas. The use of parallelism allows Kennedy’s speech to become further fluent, since he categorized each of
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Kennedy’s inaugural speech was extremely persuasive towards the audience. His diction was simplified to any commoner, since he desired to unite his audience. John F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech remains significant, since he fulfills the rhetorical analysis. The purpose of his speech, was not only to express what America will experience, but to demonstrate how his emotions towards what he does throughout his presidency. John F. Kennedy uses antithesis, parallelism, ethos, syntax, diction, antimetabole, anaphora, and a variety of sentence structures to grasp the audience’s attention, and to demonstrate what he desires to