John Lyons Essay

Submitted By NBA2KFAN0
Words: 539
Pages: 3

3.) The story setting takes place mainly at “All Aboard Animals” the floating zoo, the kids’ neighborhood in Cedarville, and the Long Island Zoo. In this story, “All Aboard Animals” the floating zoo is the place where the mistreated animals were held until the amateur team of six came to set them free. Cleopatra, Savannah’s monkey, was held in captivity in this place along with many other animals. The team of six kids makes a risky choice to rescue and help the animals in need. Cedarville is the neighborhood where the six kids live and also where the animals were kept according to the habitats they required. For instance, the lizard lived in a sauna at Griffin’s house because it was hot and dry for the lizard. Long Island Zoo is the relocation spot for all of the poorly treated animals from “All Aboard Animals” the floating zoo. This zoo is important because this is where the kids placed all of the animals until the zookeeper, Dr. Kathleen Alford, could relocate them to new homes. The kids also got busted here by Klaus and Mr. Nasty because Darren ratted them out while trying to get the monkey.

4.) Griffin Bing is the main character in Zoobreak. He has brown curly hair and is a tall boy. Griffin is smart and intelligent. He is a leader by nature and others referred to him as the “Man with the plan”, as he always has a plan for any difficult situation. In this story, Griffin designed a plan to free the animals from the zoo by cutting wires off the monkey cage. This allowed the animals to escape from captivity. He is also the leader of the whole plan. The other characters in the story includes Ben Slovak, Logan, and Savannah. Ben’s role was helping the team onto a tight area of a boat after escaping from the zoo. Logan’s role was to distraught the guards so that the other team members could free the animals from the zoo. Savannah is an animal lover and takes care of Cleopatra after escaping