Essay John Proctor

Submitted By tylerbruce06
Words: 1040
Pages: 5

The Crucible Abigail Williams is found in The Crucible, Elements of Literature Fifth Course. She was nothing more than a very upset teen that had to get revenge for something that cost many people their lives. She was Elizabeth, John's wife, servant and had an affair with John Proctor behind her back. Elizabeth later found out about the affair and kicked Abigail out sending her to live with her uncle Reverrend Parris. She continued to love John months after being kicked out of the Protor's home. She wanted her uncle's servant, Tituba, who happened to know of vodu and witchers, to make a charm to kill Elizabeth. While doing this, with other girls of Salem, her uncle caught them causing much talk of witchery in the town. She was going to blamed for her cousin not being able to wake up after making the charm. Her uncle was furious and ready to beat her if she did not tell the truth. She blamed Tituba for the charms and causing her to start telling of her dreams. She began naming women of the town saying they were signing their name in the Devil's book. Abigail Williams was an upset, aggravated, and very vengeful teenager that caused many deaths of innocent people. She was upset that she could not have John Proctor because he would not leave his wife for her.(839) She knew the only way for her to be with John was if Elizabeth had died and he would finally be able to be with her. After everything had happened with her uncle catching her with the charm, she had become the center of the trouble in town. She knew that she would be blamed for her cousin and would be beaten by her uncle later for it. She was upset that her name had been drug through the town by Elizabeth and that rumors began about her and the girls doing withchery in the woods.(833 834) She used this as a way to make her uncle feel sympathy towards her and not be so mad at her for the things he saw her do. Abigail was aggravated all at the same time as she felt upset with to. She was aggravated that Elizabeth had run her name through the mud in Salem. She was mad at the other girls for saying that they will tell her uncle that she drank blood and confess to everything they did in the woods.(837) She was aggravated that John still denied her the affection she wanted from her even after they were alone. John told her that they had never touched also telling her that he would never hurt Elizabeth like that again.(839) She became very wary and aggravated with the judges after they started wondering wether what she was saying was true. The judges bagan wondering wether what they were doing was right in the eye of the law and that of God. She wanted revenge badly for what Elizabeth had done to her after she was fired. Elizabeth had started rumors about her not giving her the opportunity for her to be hired again. Abigail just told her uncle that she would not become someone's slave and that if they wanted one they would have to go to Barbados to get one.(834) She knew that Elizabeth had told others rumors about her so that she would not be hired by any other women. Elizabeth had wronged in her, in her eyes, and she thought of a plan to get back at Elizabeth. She finally blamed Elizabeth for stabbing her in the stomach with a needle from her poppet. She told the judges that Elizabeth had used her poppet for voodoo and stabbed Abigail with her a needle into the poppet. She knew that Mary Warren had made a poppet that day in court knowing where the needle was making it very easy for her to blame Elizabeth for