John Proctor's Archetype In The Crucible

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Pages: 3

In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, John Proctor is the protagonist, whose life goes from normal to chaotic within a short amount of time. Proctor is known as a tragic hero archetype. A tragic hero archetype should possess four essential qualities; which are life-like, goodness, consistency, and appropriateness. Proctor fits the tragic hero perfectly because he is a potential hero who loses his life to one mistake. That mistake puts everyone, including his wife, in a predicament that he blames himself for. Proctor was a highly respected man in town, that lived a normal life with his wife and kids. Abigail Williams is a seventeen year old girl who is Reverend Parris’ niece. Abigail was a servant to the Proctor household before Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth, dismissed her. Proctor had an affair with Abigail. Elizabeth noticed Proctor was distant and she had her suspicions and found out about the affair. Elizabeth than dismissed Abigail from her services. Proctor felt guilty, depressed, and angry. Proctor wanted nothing to do with Abigail anymore and he wanted to go back to his normal life with his wife. Abigail wouldn't leave him alone because she was falling in love with Proctor. Abigail wanted to have Proctor all to herself. Her goal was to get rid of Elizabeth, even if that meant killing her, …show more content…
It wasn’t just her, but it was also the other girls her age that followed her. The people who didn’t confess to seeing the devil were hung. Half the town ended up in jail or was hung because of witchcraft. Proctor tried to tell the jury that Abigail was lying but she kept using more lies to cover up. Proctors last option was to confess to adultery, knowing that it would ruin his reputation and more. Elizabeth was brought into court to testify if what Proctor said was true, and without knowing, Elizabeth lied and said that it never happened. Proctor then turned and yelled that he had confessed, which sent him to jail. When it came for PRoctor’s time to be hung, Hale sent for Elizabeth to talk Proctor into confessing about seeing the Devil. It was a lie but they all knew it was his only hope. Proctor does so, but he thought on it and tore up the paper that would release him. Proctor wanted to save his good name, and he does. Proctor died a hero, but he would rather die than have his name stomped on. Elizabeth didn’t hesitate when he did so, she knew that it was what he wanted and she knew that he did well. He got his forgiveness from his wife, and was finally happy. In conclusion, Proctor didn't deserve to die. Proctor was a strong man who died from, his sins that later were forgiven. Elizabeth showed her true happiness believing that her husband received his forgiveness and saved his name. Proctor proved