John Trenchard's Influence On The American Revolution

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Pages: 6

The American Revolution was essentially the beginning of a whole country. It was the beginning of a new world and new opportunities, and it led to the America that we know today. However, this was not an overnight event, nor was it limited to the eight years of warfare between the colonies and Britain. It was a colossal and complex process that took decades and had its genesis in the ideas of writers who never set foot on North American soil. Many radical Englishmen wrote their opinions in the 1720’s and 1730’s, and even though they did not make much of an impact on the British, the citizens in the American colonies would read their writings. Their writings were incredibly influential in the beginning of what would become The United States of America.
John Trenchard was an early writer whose ideas sparked revolution within the colonists. He published “Cato’s Letters.” In his famous passage, What Measures are actually taken by wicked and desperate Ministers to ruin
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He says, “They will disgrace men of virtue, and ridicule virtue itself, and laugh at publick spirit. They will put men into employments, without any regard to the qualifications for those employments, or indeed to any qualifications at all.” Trenchard makes it very apparent that he is not in favor of British rule, so he lays down some basic ideas of democracy. Just simple things