Social Consequality Of African-Americans In The United States

Submitted By tomabcd20012001
Words: 421
Pages: 2

According to Johnson, most African-Americans are disproportionately among the poorest of Americans. They live in urban and density of poverty is higher. They have higher number of children in one family. Education is a lot behind Euro-Americans, after 1900 in segregated schools. Hmong Americans live in small towns and core communities are interspersed. Education schooling is about 1975-1980. Euro-Americans live in rural and income is higher. They have only 2 children in a family. Public education available since early 1800s. Johnson uses family structure, history of education, and community-living circumstances and location to refute racial stereotypes associated with the poor. For example, the density of poverty in the communities in which poor African Americans live is high, but it is very low where poor Euro-Americans typically live. Blacks with lighter skin had advantages over darker skin in terms of positions. On that time, blacks were divided into household or skilled servants and field hands. House servants kept close contact with the upper class and were allowed to engage in white lifestyles. Skilled slaves then participated in Reconstruction and the black middle class came out. Even in today, there are still more lower-middle-class workers than upper. African Americans continue to lag behind whites. According to Wilson, poor blacks are the primary source of the class division among blacks. I agree with his position.

The ethnic enclave is not an ethnic neighborhood. It is primarily focused on ethnic economic activity. The professional and entrepreneurial skilled immigrants have a larger degree of mobility in the mainstream American economy. Ownership and self-employment, firms cannot grow too