Jonas 'Personality In The Giver'

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Pages: 5

In The Giver, differences are discouraged, but there are many differences that cannot be removed entirely. People have different personalities, and over time, many psychometric instruments have been created to sort people into groups because of this. Despite the erasure of most differences in the Community, different characters still have different personalities.
Different personality indicators are meant to tell people different things about themselves. For instance, the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator (MBTI) is meant to show the way a person thinks, while the Enneagram is meant to show what motivates them. However, in The Giver, motivations were hard to find, mostly because of Sameness. So the MBTI was the only personality test used to analyze Jonas' personality.
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MBTI is based on the work of Carl Jung, specifically the cognitive functions, which he wrote about in Psychological Types. The cognitive functions consist of Perceiving and Judging functions, which consist of Sensing and iNtuiting functions, and Feeling and Thinking functions, respectively, of which there are extroverted and introverted forms of each. These are Se, Si, Ne, Ni, Fe, Fi, Te, and Ti, in the order listed above.
Jonas' MBTI type is the INFP. His cognitive functions are Fi, Ne, Si, and Te. His dominant function, Fi (introverted Feeling), is his strongest. Fi is primarily concerned with personal values and morals, judging things it perceives using its intricate moral system, and tends to feel strongly about things. It is also good at introspection. Fi has been described by Jung as “peculiar” and “misunderstood” because it is hard to understand it if one doesn't have it. It can be perceived as selfish, because it desires to follow its own values, instead of acting so that everyone is