Jonathan Parker Research Paper

Words: 1022
Pages: 5

I have known the applicant, Jonathan Parker, since freshman year of high school. Throughout our high school career we have grown extremely close, and I personally consider Jonathan Parker to be one of my closest and most intimidate friend. I know that I would be willing to cross mountains and hills for him and I know he will for me too. We are both part of the Commonwealth Governor School Program located at Spostylvania high school, a accelerated program for the "gifted". We share the first two blocks of our school day together, going through several Ap classes, where we have opportunities to work together in classwork, projects, labs, test, and homework. Furthermore, we often hang out outside of school, where we would drive to restaurants …show more content…
We often have discussions and debates about the movies we watch, and over the years, I can count the times I've won such a debate on one hand. We still occasionally have fights over Iron-man vs. Captain America. We also share a love of hip hop music, and I know to go to Jonathan Parker for a good recommendation as he's always listening to something interesting. In essence, throughout our high school career, I've been by Jonathan's side through a lot of thick and thin. We share good times and bad times, and I couldn't possibly ask for a better comrade and companion throughout these four years. I believe he will be an amazing addition to the Davidson College, and I know with time that you will grow to love him as much as I …show more content…
In a high school environment and especially in our high achieving class where every test can send several students into dark depression or high heaven, Jonathan seems to possess a cool and calmness that keeps him stable as a rock. Even when face with difficult situations, Jonathan has a way of keeping himself together and creating his own path out of it. Furthermore, He emanates this calmness to people all around him, and I know personally there has been times, where I would've broken down if it wasn't for the support of Jon. Jon is confidant in himself, and what he wants to be. He enjoys movies and worships the director Quentin Tarantino, almost to the point where it's a bit weird, but I digress. He wants to be a director when he grows up, and he strives to do that everyday. He even started his own youtube channel reviewing Netflix shows and movie, which he calls "Netflix Bargain Bin", and everything is written, directed, composed, and put together by him. For his Culminating project, our year-long research project for governor school, he has set himself to direct and film a tv serial base off of governor school, which he has already written the script for. Personally, I will be auditioning for the part of Eric Zhang, and I think I have a good shot at it. Furthermore, Jon has set himself apart in many of our book trailer assignment, by constantly presenting the best trailer in the class. He is talented and know how in directing and