Juliet Tries To Please Her Parents Analysis

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Pages: 2

Juliet tries to please her parents. To start, Juliet follows her parent’s decisions. A demonstration of this is when Juliet is talking to her mother and nurse about marrying Paris. “ I’ll look to like, if looking liking move;/ But no more deep will I endure mine eye/ Thou your consent gives me strength to make it fly.” (1.3.98-100). Even though Juliet has not thought about marriage, she will consider the thought of marrying Paris because it is what her parents think is best. In addition, Juliet tries to avoid conflict with her parents. A demonstration of this is when Juliet is carrying out her plan with Friar Lawrence by accepting the marriage with Paris. “Where I have learn’d me to repent the sin of disobedient opposition/ To you and your behests, and am enjoin’d ... To beg your pardon, Pardon I beseech you!/ Henceforward I am ever ruled by you.” (4.2.18-22). Juliet makes the choice to avoid conflict and hide her marriage with Romeo from her parents by creating a plan …show more content…
To begin, Juliet makes rash decisions based on her love for Romeo. This is shown when Juliet is talking to herself after the night she met Romeo. “ O Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?/ Deny thy father and refuse thy name;/ Or, if you wilt not, be sworn my love/ And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.” ( Though only meeting romeo that night, Juliet is willing to forget about her whole family to be with Romeo. Furthermore, Juliet makes negative decisions to avoid facing disappointment. An illustration of this is when Juliet is trying to find a way out of her marriage with Paris. “It is more to wish me thus forsworn... Go counsellor;/ Though and my bosom henceforth shall be twain... If all else fail, myself have the power to die.” ( Juliet thinks it is better to try and kill herself than facing the disappointment and possible exile from her parents for not marrying Paris. Therefor, Juliet thinks illogically and makes rash